Hey – we understand your concern. The error message you’re seeing usually indicates that the recovery phrase or passphrase loaded on your Ledger device doesn’t match the account you’re trying to access.
In simple terms, your Ledger device uses your recovery phrase (24 words) and optional passphrase (25th word) to generate the private keys for your accounts. If these don’t match the account you’re trying to access, you’ll see the error message.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Double-check your recovery phrase and passphrase. Make sure you’re entering them correctly and in the correct order.
2. If you’re sure your recovery phrase and passphrase are correct, you might need to reset your Ledger device and restore it using your recovery phrase and passphrase. This can help ensure your device is correctly set up with the right keys.
Remember, before resetting your device, ensure you have the correct recovery phrase and passphrase on hand.
Here are the detailed instructions for these steps:
– Reset your Ledger device: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025322153-Wrong-private-keys-for-account
– Restore your Ledger device with the correct recovery phrase: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025322153-Wrong-private-keys-for-account
Please follow these steps carefully and let me know if you need further assistance.