Ich habe den Ellipal Titan gekauft. Funktioniert gut, aber die Ellipal App ist voller Bugs. Ich besitze Safemoon, EGC und Ultrasafe und die App zeigt keinen Wert für diese an. Auch wenn ich Reflektionen bekomme, werden sie nicht aktualisiert, sie zeigen seit 5 Tagen den gleichen Betrag an. Hat sonst noch jemand Probleme?
I just bought this thing and I’m having same problem. I also tried to send my safemoon back to my mm just to try the process of sending and it keeps failing so now I can’t move my money either. I also tried to update this thing but it gets to 98% and fails smh.
I have the same issue with a few coins myself. I think its because ellipal is newer than the other wallets and its having to develop support for the thousands of coins already out there and all the new ones thats come out daily that people are also demanding. Rome was not built in a day. I have an account with cryptotracker.io. all my balances show. Your coins are secure. Its just the app thats waiting on more of many updates to come unfortunately. The hardware is good, imo… the software, is getting better.