If your computer has a virus, but you can’t get rid of it for whatever reason, the safest thing to do is _not use that computer_.
and, for the love of all that is good in this world, **do not import your seed into a hot wallet running on a compromised computer**.
Using Trezor on a compromised computer should still be safe, as long as you carefully check the transaction details on your Trezor screen — in particular, you should use a separate device (like your phone) to check that the destination address shown on Trezor is the one that you want.
With that said, if you are unsure about this, you _can_ import the seed into metamask **running on your phone**, and use that. Keep in mind that this loses you the advantage of using a hardware wallet. Next time you want to use Trezor, you should generate a completely new seed, that has never been imported into a digital device, and move your funds to that.