Binance dex?

Home Foren Ellipal Wallet Binance dex?

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    • #254635

      Uhh…habe ich etwas verpasst? Ich kann es seit dem Update nicht mehr finden. Es ist nur die Registerkarte „Austausch“ mit bestimmten „heißen“ Tauschpaaren.

      Bitte sagen Sie mir, dass dies nicht verschwunden ist, da es einer der Hauptgründe ist, warum ich die Wallet benutze, da ich keinen anderen Zugang dazu habe, da ich dort wohne.

      Muss ich mich jetzt manuell über die Registerkarte „Entdecken“ mit ihr verbinden?

      Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, was los ist.

    • #254636

      So upon further investigation, I can connect through the browser but get the disclaimer saying “USA bad” so I guess I can vpn it, but it used to be in the finances tab and it would work for me. I do realize that they have been getting hit hard with regs, did ellipal just remove it, or does it just not show up for me because of IP address?

      Any euros out there who can confirm if it’s still preloaded on their app?

      I’ll try later when I get home with vpn and see how it goes.

      I really hate this crap. The entire point of crypto was to get away from these “governments and institutional meddling” and now that people are making money, they want to step in and slow it down or stop it entirely.

      It’s honestly redic. If you don’t do your own dd and learn and decide to bet on btc futures or synthetic assets and get wrecked, that’s your own fault. Why the hell do they get to step in and say what we can and can’t do?

      I’m so sick of their “protection” which is basically just extortion. They honestly don’t care about the average person they just don’t want them to reach that upper echelon.

      We don’t ban cars because some people are blind. I mean….

      Can’t day trade more than 3 times in 5 business days in legacy unless you have 25k in the account. If you had 25k you wouldn’t need to day trade anyway because most times you would be better off just allowing the money to make money passively(barring super volatile sentiment plays)

      But they will sure let any moron who applies do options and get wrecked. How does that make sense?

      Either way I’m ranting now. But I’m gonna be a very sad boy if I cannot get to binance dex.

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