25. Wort funktioniert nicht mehr

Home Foren Ledger Wallet 25. Wort funktioniert nicht mehr

  • Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten sowie 1 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 1 Jahr, 4 Monaten von Mudskipper365 aktualisiert.
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    • #2916135

      Ich wäre für jede Hilfe in dieser Sache dankbar. Ich habe mehrere Ledger. Ich habe sie so eingerichtet, dass ich eine Wallet mit dem 24-Wort-Seed und eine andere Wallet mit dem 25-Wort/Phrase verwende. Das bedeutet, dass ich insgesamt 3 separate Wallets habe. Jedes Ledger hat also 2 Wallets, die mit einer PIN arbeiten, was wirklich gut funktioniert. Kürzlich habe ich meine Wiederherstellungsfunktion getestet und musste schockiert feststellen, dass meine Seed-Phrase zwar einwandfrei funktioniert, das als temporäre Passphrase eingegebene 25. Wenn dies also wirklich passieren würde und eines meiner Ledger nicht mehr funktionieren würde, hätte ich keinen Zugriff mehr auf die passphrasengeschützten Konten. Dies ist mit zwei Ledgern auf verschiedenen Wallets passiert. Als ich das erste getestet habe und es nicht funktionierte, ging ich von einem Benutzerfehler aus, richtete eine andere Version der Passphrase ein und verschob meine Währung auf diese.

      Heute habe ich den zweiten Ledger getestet und habe das gleiche Problem. Da ich diese Wiederherstellung bereits vor einem Jahr mit der Startphrase und dem 25. Wort/der 25.

      Das Ergebnis ist, dass ich die Passphrase eingebe und dann zum Hinzufügen von Konten gehe und nichts in dieser Wallet angezeigt wird. Entweder übersehe ich etwas Grundlegendes oder es liegt ein echtes Problem vor. Hoffentlich übersehe ich etwas Grundlegendes. Ich habe gerade viel Zeit damit verbracht, die Phrase einzugeben und alle offensichtlichen Variablen zu ändern, und es funktioniert einfach nicht. Ich bin jetzt sehr misstrauisch, was den Wert der Eingabe des 25. Wortes als Sicherheitsmaßnahme angeht, da ich derzeit alles hätte verlieren können, wenn ich nicht überprüft hätte, ob es noch funktioniert.

      Ich bin nicht kämpferisch oder ein Neuling, also teilen Sie mir bitte Ihre Gedanken mit. Jede Hilfe wird dankbar angenommen. Wenn wir den idiotischen „Send me your seed phrase“-Humor vermeiden könnten, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

    • #2916136

      Sounds like a typo in the passphrase. Maybe you are entering it correctly now but had the typo when you originally created the wallet. Alternatively maybe you are using the correct passphrase with the wrong seed (24 words). You made things overly complicated with multiple seeds multiple pins some with and some without passphrases.

      **Either way you are in high danger of instantly losing everything if the one correct functional ledger fails.** Do not do any firmware upgrades although rare it could brick your only good access to funds. Since you have backup ledgers I would setup a completely new wallet on the backup ledger, verify it, and transfer everything to the new wallet as quickly as possible.

      This time maybe not make things overly complex with two seeds and 3 diferrent wallets both with and without passphrase. Just one new 24 word speed + one passphrase. Then protect that from misuse with the one and only PIN. Nothing more nothing less. Single wallet (24+1) no real way to screw it up.

      When verifying I would send a token amount to the new wallet. Put the old ledger somewhere safe to avoid a catastrophic mistake. Verify it shows up in the new wallet. Now factory reset the ledger for the NEW wallet. Once the new wallet ledger is factory reset recreate it again (same 24 word seed + passphrase) verify you have the same addresses and the funds show up. You have now verified there is no typo in the passphrase or seed words. Since you could recreate the wallet once you should be able to recreate it infinite number of times if needed.

      Now you know everything is setup properly. Secure the seed words offline (never in photo or any digital form). Put passphrase (25th word) in password manager never with seed phrase. You only have one wallet. There are no typos. If you forget things you can recover it by offline only seed words plus password manager only passphrase. So NOW transfer everything to the new wallet.

      Keep it simple man. Crypto is already complicated. Most of the non-fraud asset losses in crypto are people being too smart (complicated) for their own good.

    • #2916137

      Your 25 passphrase is attached to the second pin ?

      It is much easier to test if it works like this and then remove the second pin attachment if you don’t like it by setting a dummy passphrase or 3 wrong pin entries but not one after another to not reset the seed.

      After 3 wrong pins in total the passphrase is deleted.

      You just enter the second pin and you can
      add/ access the accounts there.

    • #2916138

      > The result is that I enter the passphrase and then go to add accounts and nothing shows up in that wallet

      you need to „add account“ to see the accounts derived from the seed currently unlocked in the connected ledger.

      if you enter the temp passphrase correctly, you should be able to access the accounts derived from the passphrased seed (i.e. seed + passphrase).

      Note that passphrases are case dependent and every character and space is significant. If you have set up a passphrase attached to a PIN, one possibility is that the passphrase was not the one you think it was. so entering it as temp passphrase will not work. example, you think the passphrase you attached to a PIN (and created the account with) was „my passphrase“ but in fact you entered „my-passphrase“ when you set it up. now, if you enter „my passphrase“, you won’t be able to access your accounts.

    • #2916139

      I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess you capitalized a letter in your 25th word and you can’t remember which letter.

    • #2916140

      People make this 25th word sound either really simple or really confusing. U sir seem to be in the latter. If u cant recover ur wallet then i suggest creating a new one asap .

      I really want to do a passphrase but worried as seen so many horror stories with them

    • #2916141

      Hey – sorry to hear about the issues you’re experiencing with the passphrase feature on your Ledger devices. It’s indeed crucial to regularly test your recovery phrase and passphrase to ensure you can access your accounts in case of a device failure or loss.

      When you set up a passphrase, it essentially creates a whole new set of accounts, separate from the ones linked to your original 24-word recovery phrase. If you’re entering the passphrase and not seeing the expected accounts, it could be due to a few reasons:

      1. The passphrase was entered incorrectly. Even a small typo can lead to a completely different set of accounts being generated. Please double-check your passphrase for any potential errors.

      2. The passphrase was entered on the wrong recovery phrase. If you have multiple Ledger devices each with a different 24-word recovery phrase, ensure you’re entering the passphrase on the correct device.

      3. The accounts haven’t been added back to Ledger Live. After entering the passphrase, you need to manually add the accounts back to Ledger Live. They won’t appear automatically.

      If you’ve checked all these points and are still unable to access your accounts, I would recommend reaching out to a member of our support staff.

    • #2916142

      I guess it could be a typo, but I’m a little confused by the setup. Why are you using a temporary passphrase if you have three wallets and two Ledgers? I’m assuming “three wallets” refers to one seed phrase and two passphrased wallets. With two Ledgers you should enter the seed phrase into both of them, then PIN protect the first passphrase on Ledger 1 and PIN protect the second passphrase on Ledger 2.

      There’s nothing wrong with temporary passphrases, it’s just that they’re cleared if the screen locks, whether from inactivity or plugging the Ledger into a computer. But with multiple Ledgers, you shouldn’t even be dealing with them.

    • #2916143

      From what you are describing it simply sounds like a typo in the BIP39 passphrase, so a case of you having mixed up which device/seed you were using the passphrase with.

      Basically you need to methodical check that you didn’t combine this passphrase with one of your other seeds…

      If you can’t work it out and want to check for typos, something like BTCRecover could be used (https://btcrecover.readthedocs.io/) as long as you run it in a totally offline amnesic environment. (So Live booting Ubuntu, then taking it offline)

      That said, the safest option if you can’t work it out is to move the funds off the problematic wallet first…

    • #2916144

      Thank you all for the help. I absolutely agree. Given the input below it seems that the major suspect is a typo in the passphrases. All 3 ledgers use the same seed which leads to my ‚dummy‘ wallet, I can access this on all ledgers so we’re good on the seed phrase. I then have 2 other wallets, one for personal and one for my retirement fund ( tax advantages). They have pass phrases. It’s slightly more complicated than I would like and this has been a real eye opener.

      I’ve now figured out temp. passwords so the PIN isn’t quite as important as I thought it was. I’m tempted to get rid of the dummy wallet as I think it’s not quite the protection from a $5 attack we pretend it is. That would bring it down to two wallets.

      I will move the wallet I don’t have recovery access to now and rethink my approach. Yes simple is better. I am actually feeling less trusting of my ledger now, seriously, I’d tested one of the passphrases last year and it worked fine. However I’m wondering if it’s sensitive to which wallet I’m logged into when I enter the passphrase in temporary mode. I will test as soon as I have time.

      So no one else has had a legitimate experience of that 25th word just stopping working?

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