Get a calculator that does erc20 tokens.
I use [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) so using their defi wallet is natural and it has a gas meter, looking at it right now with gwei average(medium) at
56 Gewi.
Send ETH estimate 0.0011 ETH or 6.18CAD
Send ERC20 Estimate 0.0115 ETH or 61.88CAD
Swap and Earn Estimate 0.0330 ETH or 176.81CAD
as you can clearly see the price jumps greatly for each type.
As you can clearly see sending ERC20 tokens is WAY more expensive than sending ETH and using Swaps is even MORE expensive.
They use 90000 gas limit on erc20 tokens to make sure you dont run out of gas on the way, if you dont like it lower it… click on the custom gas and lower the number eth uses 21000 you do this at your own risk remember gas that is not used is left in the wallet if it says its using 20USD and it ends up using 2USD you will still have 18USD in the wallet but if it uses 21USD your transaction will fail and you will have 0USD. Welcome to Ethereum
Please read up on how ethereum works before making posts of things you probably dont yet understand fully.