Ich brauche Hilfe, um zu verstehen, wie ich meine Kryptowährung schützen kann

Home Foren Ledger Wallet Ich brauche Hilfe, um zu verstehen, wie ich meine Kryptowährung schützen kann

  • Dieses Thema hat 6 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 3 Jahren von jhelmste aktualisiert.
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    • #459238

      Ich habe vor kurzem die Ledger nano x, aber nach der Einrichtung habe ich verwirrt, wie man diese so, dass meine Krypto sicher ist zu verwenden.

      1. Mein erstes Missverständnis ist, wenn dies eine Hardware-Wallet ist oder nicht. Ich dachte, dass der Ledger nur ein Schlüssel ist, der den Zugriff auf die Kryptowährungen in der Blockchain ermöglicht, und dass eine Hardware-Wallet ein physisches Speichergerät für die Kryptowährungen ist. Ich bin verwirrt, weil der nano x manchmal als Hardware-Wallet bezeichnet wird. Meine Frage ist also, ob ich Kryptowährungen auf meinem nano x speichern kann, oder ob ich die Kryptowährungen in einer digitalen Wallet speichere, für die mein nano x als Schlüssel dient?
      2. Welche Krypto-Wallets sind am besten zu verwenden? Ich habe Metamask gesehen, aber ich frage mich, ob die Coinbase-Wallet etwas taugt? Wenn ich mir ein Youtube-Tutorial-Video ansehe, scheint es, als müsste ich hohe Gasgebühren zahlen, wenn ich versuche, Krypto von einer Metamask-Wallet an die Ledger-Live-App zu senden.
      3. Was ist die ledger live app genau? ist es eine andere Börse wie coinbase, wo ich Krypto kaufen und verkaufen kann, oder ist es eine Wallet, die mir hilft, meine Krypto auf dem nano x zu speichern, mit dem zusätzlichen Bonus, dass ich sie kaufen kann?
      4. Um sicherzustellen, dass meine Kryptowährung sicher ist, muss ich alles von der Austausch-App, die ich verwende, an meine Ledger-Live-Adresse senden, wobei Gasgebühren anfallen?
      5. Erlaubt der Kauf auf ledger live Sie überspringen, Gas-Gebühren zu zahlen, während auch sicherzustellen, dass es durch die nano x geschützt ist?

      Alle Klärungen, die Sie auf meine Fragen anbieten können, sind sehr geschätzt!


      EDIT: Vielen Dank an alle für die Informationen, das hat mir wirklich geholfen!

    • #459239


      1. Wallet is a bit misleading term in crypto. Your crypto is always on the blockchains of the respective coins, no matter what kind of wallet you use. The advantage of the Ledger is that your keys are protected by the hardware and never exposed online. Also, all outgoing transactions need to be confirmed physically on the device.
      2. There are many online wallets and most of them can only be used with one chain. MetaMask is a wallet for ETH and ERC-20 tokens. Keplr is used in the Cosmos ecosystem. Adalite is a wallet for Cardano. The great thing is, all of these wallets can be used in conjunction with your Ledger, so you have the UX of these wallets and the security of your Ledger.
      3. Ledger Live does a lot, but one of the main features is that it acts as an interface to access your crypto holdings, just like MetaMask or other wallets. Since all your crypto is on the blockchains, it doesn’t really matter what wallet you use, if you send coins using Ledger Live, the amount left is also updated in MetaMask, for example. Besides that, Ledger Live offers other features like swapping or buying.
      4. Yes.
      5. In a way, yes. But the fees for buying with Ledger Live are incredibly high, so you’re probably better off buying on an exchange and sending it to your Ledger addresses. Gas fees are high for ETH and ERC-20 tokens, but not so much for most other coins.

    • #459240

      Hello, your crypto is always stored on a blockchain. A hardware wallet holds the keys that give you permission to send from your address. A „hot wallet“ is the same, but your keys are stored on an internet connected device.

      I’d highly recommenc that you read everything in the ledger academy to understand more: https://www.ledger.com/academy

      If you are mucking around with things you don’t u derstand, there is risk you may lose it all. For the most part, your crypto is safe on centralised exchanges until you have the knowledge and willingness for self-custody of your own keys.

    • #459241

      Learn thr differences between hot wallets and cold wallets. Ledger is a cold wallet. Meaning it’s keys are never exposed to the internet even during transfers. Hot wallets are exposed to the internet. There are only 2 cold wallets I know of and that is Ledger and Trezor. Importing a metamask seed (hot wallet) into ledger does not protect it at all.

      You need to create an entire new seed from ledger. Transfer everything from all different hot wallets (metamask, coinbase, etc. ) to the ledger new seed for it to not be under a hot wallet. This is how to protect it. Importing a metamask or coinbase seed into ledger does nothing for protection.

      It’s cheaper to buy it on coinbase exchange and pay thr gas fees to transfer it to ledger than outright buy with ledger.

      And example below….

      Think of the crypto on the blockchain as your house. No one can get in your house unless they have a key. This scenario there is no such thing as break ins. Your crypto is safe in the house. The seed phrase is your key to your house. If your ledger or any other ledger has the correct seed input in it, they have immediate access to your house, even miles away. To change to a new seed you have to pay the cost to transfer to a new house under a new key. Ledger protects this key (seed) from the internet. For hot wallets it’s like putting your crypto in a house and having a key under the rock by the front door. For some poorly hot wallets it would be like leaving the key in the lock and walking away. Importing a hot wallet into ledger would be like leaving a key in the lock and having a ledger. The ledger doesn’t do jack if another copy was left in the lock as you walk away. To make this analogy accurate, there is a portal in front of your house where anyone with internet access can insta transport themselves to the front of your house. Hacking a website like metamask would be like that person poking around the front yard looking for the key under the rock.

    • #459242

      > ledger is just a key that allows access to your crypto stored on the block chain

      correct, and yes that is a wallet

      just stores keys safely for convenience, should be sacrificial no problem if it breaks or you lose it

      keys = secret phrases

      Exchanges let you buy & sell, with some they store the keys for you.

      Front-end apps enable buying & selling, tracking balances etc no matter where the keys are kept.

      No way around fees when changing from one address (key) to another

    • #459243

      It might be worth correcting a common misconception to help you understand.

      Crypto is not stored on a blockchain, it is not stored anywhere. The blockchain stores a list of Transactions (receipts). In those transactions recepts you are not buying crypto, someone is transferring crypto (selling or gifting or paying) to you. The receipt says this account number A (blockchain address) is transferring x amount of crypto to this other account number B. There is actually some other content in a transaction, e.g. signatures and scripts.

      The blockchain is not like a database where your crypto is stored somewhere it is just a chain of receipts. Your wallet tracks all of your addresses created by that wallet to keep track of your total assets. That total is also not found anywhere on the blockchain.

      Ledger live is the software that makes it easier to interact with a Ledger hardware wallet. It shows balances and used addresses. It has a number of links to partner defi apps you can use for swapping, buying, selling.

      every time you transfer crypto from one address to another it needs to be recorded on the Blockchain in a new block and that will incur fees. Gas fees are not decided by the wallet you use, they are based on the Blockchain network you are using. Exchanges however do charge separate transaction fees in addition to gas.

    • #459244

      You have a lot to learn. Don’t lose your seed. Don’t give your seed out to anyone. Since your seed is generated by the ledger, you will never enter it anywhere

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