Es ist so anstrengend, mit der Paranoia der Kryptoindustrie Schritt zu halten.
Home › Foren › Ledger Wallet › Es ist so anstrengend, mit der Paranoia der Kryptoindustrie Schritt zu halten.
- Dieses Thema hat 23 Antworten sowie 1 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 1 Jahr, 2 Monaten von
badtothebone274 aktualisiert.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148576
Administrator::Ich habe vor kurzem auf Hardwares Wallet vor allem Ledger und Trezor bewegt und ich sehe so viele Leute sagen, dass sie eines Tages aufgewacht und die Wallet wurde aus vielen verschiedenen Gründen wie Lagerung auf Passwort-Manager und Notizblöcke auf dem Telefon geleert und ich tue nichts davon, aber wirklich ist es so paranoid, um sogar einen Punkt, den ich meine Laptop-Kameras mit Klebeband bedeckt lol Ich fühle mich wie es ist einfach zu viel über konstante jeden Tag darüber nachzudenken Sorgen . Sagen wir mal, du hast deinen Seed erfolgreich irgendwo an zwei oder drei verschiedenen Orten aufgeschrieben und ihn in einen Safe oder so gelegt, was ist, wenn jemand den Safe stiehlt lol, was ist, wenn du ihn auf einem Medaillentablett speicherst, was ist, wenn jemand auch das stiehlt, die einzige andere Sache, die mir einfällt, ist, den Seed zu speichern, was ich gerade mache, aber was ist, wenn es einen Hack mit Ledger oder Trezor gibt, bei dem jemand deine Daten stiehlt lol
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148577
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148578
Gast::I understand your paranoia. It is reasonable to have when you are having to manage your assets using technology that you may not be very familiar or comfortable with. I too cover up the camera on my laptops.
Using a hardware wallet and writing down your seed phrase on paper or on [something more some durable]( and then storing two copies in two safe places, like one copy in a safe deposit box and one copy in a secure place in your home will be more secure than what 98% of the people who hold crypto do.
Almost always, people lose their crypto by not having their seed phrase found or stolen by a thief, but by either them entering it online somewhere or by them being scammed into approving a malicious transaction.
If you are worried and want to sleep better, then do as others have suggested and use an additional passphrase with your seed. Make sure it is of [sufficient entropy]( so that it cannot be brute-forced. Like others have suggested, a complicated phrase with random words and maybe a special character thrown in will be fine. Use a tool like [this]( to generate a bunch of random words. And then pick a few words that make a cool phrase, like „***great royal fox pumpkin kitten 007***“. That passphrase there is about 150 bits of entropy. Pretty much anything over 100 bits of entropy is not going to be able to be brute-forced, even by the NSA.
Memorize your passphrase and then store two copies of it in secure locations and not with your seed phrase.
That’s it. Just doing that will basically ensure that your crypto won’t be stolen by someone accidentally or intentionally discovering your seed phrase. And since you have a passphrase, you can store one of those copies of your seed phrase at home without worry. If you ever need to restore your seed onto a Ledger hardware wallet, you can refer to your seed phrase card stored at home and you know the passphrase in your memory. Voila, you’ve got access to your crypto. If you forget your passphrase, then you’ve got two copies safely stored away somewhere that you can access.
I hope this helps.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148579
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148580
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148581
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148582
Gast::You’ve probably read this somewhere but I’ll repeat it again. Use the passphrase option. Use and commit only to memory a very memorable (to you), at least 20 character passphrase with large and small caps, at least 1 number, and at least 1 symbol. Even if your 24 words are discovered or leaked (leave some crumbs in that wallet), the passphrase wallet will be absolutely safe.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148583
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148584
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148585
Gast::I’m with ya bud. People talk about the adoption rate of crypto but this is a huge limiting factor for the average person on the street.
I get that introducing things like KYC and 2 factor authentication on exchanges goes against crypto wanting to be it’s own thing free of banks but, unless it gets to that stage it won’t ever be used for that purpose.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148586
Gast::This is just a mental block you have going on. If your seed phrase never touched the internet it’s straight up impossible for your funds to be drained. I can get that it might be a little anxiety inducing to have no recourse if your funds are drained but try and take solace in knowing that it can’t happen if you’ve followed the right procedures
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148587
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148588
Gast::> to even a point I covered my laptop cameras with tape
That’s not paranoid, that’s just basic awareness of keeping prying eyes out. If your laptop ever gets compromised, do you want people watching and listening to you through a camera you forgot was even there?
> what if someone steals the safe lol then what even if y store it on a medal tablet what if someone steals that too the
Newsflash: Good security is really hard. It has always been hard, and it will always be hard. You’re keeping everyone else out of something that YOU NEED to be able to access no matter what happens to you, but under certain specific conditions you want people to be able to access it (such as if you are dead).
> memorize the seed which I’m in the process of doing
Don’t memorize your key. That’s not a very effective strategy, and it causes people to start trying to pick guessable seeds because they want a memorable phrase.
If you want really good security, fragment your key into M of N pieces using SSS. Not by hand, unless you do it just right. Store each piece securely. I can give more info but I’m not going to post it publicly.
Stop getting mad that security is hard. It has always been hard and will always be hard. Good luck.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148589
Gast -
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148590
Gast::The reason why this keeps happening is because people just don’t care. Don’t care to read and learn, don’t care to understand, and don’t care to look up and search information freely available.
I have seen so many questions from users that I know that they will be the victim one day. People ask the most basic questions that you know that they haven’t even tried to find answers for their questions.
Covering up the camera is always a good thing to do, with or without being paranoid.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148591
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148592
Gast::Keep your seed offline and safe, have more than one ledger and don’t store everything in one wallet, don’t mix your hot wallets with cold ones, if you want to sign or transact don’t use ledger, unless you know what you are doing. When working with crypto, make sure to have a separate system/notebook just for crypto, for other personal things just use a different system. This will limit your risky exposure to the web when working on your crypto.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148593
Gast::I hear you, but please don’t memorize the seed. It’s not like a PIN number you use every day and hence can be easily remembered. If you feel paranoid you can follow Ledger’s advice to split your Seed into 3 redundant parts and store them in different locations. If someone else finds one of them, no problem. You need 2 of the 3 pieces to restore the full seed.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148594
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148595
Gast::Feel the same way. My first ledger I had, I might if typed my key once on my keyboard. Had paranoia from this for months. Decide a few days ago just to set up a new wallet. Follow the stops properly and I’ll chill now. However it does worry me that people can randomly guess your wallet. I’ve seen some cases were people get drained and there is no explanation.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148596
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148597
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148598
Gast::> the only other thing I can think of is memorize the seed which I’m in the process of doing
Do not try to memorize your seed phrase, it isa recipe for disaster.
Write it down on paper or punch it on metal, and hide it in 2 different places that only you and your next of kin know about. Never take a picture of your seed phrase and never store it in electronic format.
15. November 2023 um 06:38 Uhr #3148599
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