Wie können Sie Ihr Hauptbuch und Ihre Seed-Phrase am besten schützen? Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre Tipps mit!

Home Foren Ledger Wallet Wie können Sie Ihr Hauptbuch und Ihre Seed-Phrase am besten schützen? Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre Tipps mit!

  • Dieses Thema hat 7 Antworten sowie 1 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 1 Jahr, 3 Monaten von loupiote2 aktualisiert.
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  • Autor
    • #3117691

      Hallo zusammen!

      Ich hoffe, ihr habt einen schönen Tag.

      Ich würde gerne wissen, wie ich mein Ledger und meine Samenphrasen am besten schützen kann. Was macht ihr? Was kaufen Sie, um für mehr Sicherheit zu sorgen?

      Was tun Sie in Bezug auf das Saatgut und das Ledger, wenn Sie einen kurzen oder längeren Urlaub machen?

      Ich möchte mich selbst und andere über die besten Praktiken informieren.

      Vielen Dank im Voraus!

    • #3117692

      Utilize Passphrase.

      You can safely store the passphrase on your phone/cloud, keep seed phrase paper/not digital and preferably metal however if it goes though a x-Ray at the airport consider it compromised.

      You would have to transfer your crypto to the passphrase wallet.

      Without both the seed phrase and passphrase someone couldn’t access your crypto.

      So if your seed phase at home got compromised they wouldn’t have the passphrase to access the actual funds.

      Also never store your passphrase with your seedphrase.

      Your passphrase can be anything you want it to be my advice use numbers $*+- and other such symbols with words.

      It’s perfectly fine to store the passphrase on your phone, it’s useless without the seed phrase.

      Just note you lose that passphrase you lose your crypto even if you got the seedphrase you need both to keep access .

      On the ledger device login to the device with your pin hold both buttons go into security select passphrase, you can create an additional pin to access your passphrase wallet, ensure it’s different from regular wallet.

      Once that’s done it will allow you to input whatever you want the passphrase to be, do not use singular words and like I said you are 100% safe to record it on your phone since it’s useless without the 24 word seed phrase since passphrase is just an additional layer.

    • #3117693

      It’s best to keep your 24 word recovery phrase written down on paper (or preferably metal) and then stored in a safe, secure place that nobody has access to. **You’ll never want to create any sort of digital copy of your 24 word recovery phrase, this is not safe** (this includes taking photos of it, typing it into a file on a computer, or storing it via cloud data storage).

      Remember, anyone who has access to your unique 24 word recovery phrase will be able to remotely steal the funds from your accounts, regardless of the physical Ledger – this is why it is far more important to make sure your 24 word recovery phrase is safely secured (as opposed to the physical Ledger device).

      Additionally, we have some great documentation [here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005514233-How-to-keep-your-24-word-recovery-phrase-and-PIN-code-safe-?docs=true) on how to best keep your 24 word recovery phrase and PIN code safely stored (remember, you want to set up a strong, unique PIN – nothing like „1111“ or „12345678“ – as these are easy to guess).

      To answer your question over going on vacation, you’ll still want to make sure that your 24 word recovery phrase is safely stored while you’re away, however you can always use a [passphrase](https://www.ledger.com/academy/passphrase-an-advanced-security-feature) and partition your accounts.

      In this manner, if anyone does somehow access your accounts with your 24 word recovery phrase – your funds are still separated and being protected by your passphrase (in your passphrase-associated accounts).

    • #3117694

      Jump ship. With this new proposal, I no longer trust them.

    • #3117695

      Is it really that hard? Do you own a safe? Where do you keep your most prized possessions? Gold coins? Rare stamps? Pez dispensers? Anything?

    • #3117696

      1. Get an old laptop.
      2. Physically remove/disable the network adapters so you can be sure it’s not inadvertently connecting to the Internet.
      3. Install some file encryption software like Veracrypt.
      4. Put your seed in a .txt file and encrypt it.
      5. Burn the encrypted file to a CD and store for safekeeping.
      6. If you ever need it, use your air-gapped laptop to decrypt the seed.

    • #3117697

      Three tiered backups.

      1. in your codebook behind the dehydrated water in the bomb-shelter
      2. stamped on metal plates, encased in epoxy, buried under the old oak tree
      3. memorized (here’s hoping you never need the third backup)

      As to vacation, just wipe your Ledger then restore from backup #1, #2, or #3.

      If your still not happy, with a 24 word mnemonic you can do a scramble cipher. Basically just scramble the order of your mnemonic then keep a numeric reorder list to help you reorder them. You would need both the scrambled-mnemonic and the reorder list to reconstitute the mnemonic. It’s impossible to brute force the ordering since 24! (factorial) is really big. And not many people will recognize:


      as an ordering list.

    • #3117698

      The ledger device does not matter. I leave it on my desk. You should just not write down your PIN code anywhere on or near the ledger. And preferably use an 8-digit PIN that cannot be guessed and is random looking. Don’t use 0000, 1313 or 1234.

      The recovery / seed phrase is what’s important to save and hide. It should be saved at 2 different physical locations (to prevent accidental destruction e.g. fire), and safe from unauthorized access and accidental loss. Also make sure your next of kin have access in case something happens to you (e.g. you die).

      > What do you do in regards to the seed and ledger while on a short or extended vacation

      I take my ledger with me (in fact i take 2 ledgers in case one breaks or gets lost).

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