If you’re potentially using outdated firmware (and/or outdated Ledger Live software) this would likely be why you’re experiencing these errors.
Our most recent version of Ledger Live is 2.64.2 ([here](https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live) is a link to the download for reference as well). You can check your version of Ledger Live by going to „settings“ > „about“.
For your Ledger Nano S, you can check the firmware by pressing and holding both buttons on the physical Ledger device for about 4 seconds and then you can navigate to the „firmware version“.
In the case that you do have any firmware/software/application updates – they’ll all be from the „my Ledger“ tab in Ledger Live (formerly known as the „manager“ tab depending on the version you’re using).
Ultimately, if you find that you’re not able to get any version of firmware or software to resolve this issue, you can always reach out to our official support page directly, [here](https://support.ledger.com/), and we’ll be more than happy to help out.