I’m a newish keepkey customer, but don’t really believe in loyalty to a company. I give them money, they provide a product or service, and if we’re both happy we continue doing business together. I’m excited about the shapeshift acquisition and possible developments that could bring to keepkey, but I do feel like they have a limited window to capitalize on this renewed interest. If it takes takes them months to start rolling out new feature, people are going to lose patience, and all the excitement surrounding the acquisition will fade.
That said, I don’t know how involved he is with keepkey, but Erik seems like a pretty smart guy, and I can’t see him promoting this acquisition if they intended to just let it languish in some limbo of slow/non-existant development. Both shapeshift and prism are efforts to simplify a process and make it more secure, and I’d be surprised if they didn’t pursue the same goals with keepkey.
They should hurry up though, because ledger and trezor both seem to be ontop of this stuff, and while 3 companies is still a small market space, keepkey is playing catch up in terms of name recognition and reputation.